American Literature Peer Review #3

Peer Review #3

Hi Rawan,

Such an emotive and inspiring blog post. I felt you encapsulated brilliantly Emerson’s ideology and symbolism in his essay “Nature” that can be derived from “The Transparent Eyeball”. It stems upon one’s ability to look beyond just the self, but their interconnection with the natural world and their way of life. The motif evidenced throughout your writing is on this idea of ego, I cannot help but agree with your viewpoints and opinions on this subject matter. Lines such as, “I failed to see society for what it was, a ticking time bomb run by echo driven individuals that fail to see the world deteriorating around them”, stuck out to me most because it challenges a truth that society wishes to ran away from. Yet, what enhances these ideas is your ability to recognise the role both you, myself and humanity play in aiding to this demise in our own personal lives. That we are also in fault because of our own self driven egos and societal wants.

Although, I would like to challenge your ideas with this notion. Perhaps, our egos can evolve from the pessimistic tone you suggest to a rather optimism for the future. I believe our egos can be powerful in transforming the world to which we live in, ego for one means self-importance and our very own self-esteem. If our egos entwine with ideas that benefit both the self and the world around us, then they can be used for good in my opinion.

Your final stanza when you write, “I myself in a world bound together by expired glue, is not immortality” was quite empowering in nature. It required for my own self-discovery and analysis to look at how I can become more influential in supporting the world around me and not being dictated by materialism and a destructive self-ego.

Thank you for such a thought-provoking piece of writing Rawan!


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